Work News

Melanie Stidolph

‘Endless Reproduction’ is funded!

Amazing!! Thank you everyone who has pledged and posted support on line for this project!! The book Endless Reproduction has reached target before the deadline!! So brilliant to be heading into print! The book will be available early September and I can’t wait to send copies to all the incredible supporters of this project, thank you so much.

‘A very personal project documenting an important and still taboo subject treated with beauty and dignity’  writer Wiz Wharton.
‘It was made as a way of expressing the inexpressible, of engaging with expression and your practice when neither seemed capable of telling it as it was. And yet, somehow, with these oblique performance and interventions, so much is communicated.’ Artist EJ Major.
‘Such a powerful project’ artist, Sarah Pickering
Her work is so subtle, sensitive and slight, yet she wrests enormous depth of meaning from the seemingly most straightforward and simple of images.’ – artist Russell Herron.