Work News

Melanie Stidolph

In Other Words feature

Photograph of woman with camera in the sea.

Thank you to Rosalyn Scott for the invitation to be part of her important online project In Other Words.

Featuring interviews with authors and poets who identify as either childless or childfree (as well as those who lie somewhere in between or prefer not to label themselves), we hear about their work, inspiration and lives. The discussions also cover the representation of non-parents in literature, and how childless or childfree writers and readers can be better represented by the wider publishing world.

Rosalyn runs the ‘NoMo’ book club – highlighting books that feature realistic narratives around this experience – find it on instagram here – NoMo Book Club. *NoMo is a term created by the childless advocate Jody Day in 2012 – it is used to describe anyone who identifies as a non-mother.

I’m in Group 4 of her interview series, with some wonderful and influential writers (Rosalyn has kindly stretched the definition to include my work and the photo book Endless Reproduction). Launches on 19 October online here – In Other Words.